
The objective of the benchmarking analysis is to provide assessment of the current situation regarding the skills and competences of the target groups in sustainable waste management, and their needs and challenges they are facing in practical implementation of the Waste Management (WM) legislation requirements.
In order to understand which is the best waste management practices that will overcome the shortcomings for the target groups, detailed needs analysis is needed. This is a comparative analysis of the current good practices in waste management in EU and in the project partner countries, which are incorporated within their strategic documents in WM.
The analysis is focused on the skills and competences, needs and challenges of the target groups – employees working in the waste sector in municipalities, with special focus on GAP analysis and their needs and challenges in the field of sustainable waste management, and the employees working in the waste sector in decision makers, their needs and challenges in developing methodologies and making legal decisions related to proper waste management.
The idea is to involve of the State Environmental Inspectorates in the project partners’ countries to participate in development of the course and its implementation

The Qualification profile for Waste management specialist with the use of NQF/EQF levels aims to provide basic elements and recommendations for development of sectoral qualification descriptors for the profile Waste management specialist. These Qualification profile objectives are oriented towards increasing transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility for this profile. The outcome integrates and correlates professional education, including improvement of key competences acquired in the process of the educational stages.
The qualification/competence profile for the Waste Manager is developed through: knowledge, skills and social competencies.
It is a tool for designing training, based on identified competences gaps and it is the basis for the creation of the credible and alternative source of acquiring and confirming skills. It includes include national research models and common competence standards with the comparison to EQF.

Curriculum development for Courses for Sustainable Waste Management, as well as syllabus for each course, and preparation of elaborates for certification.
ENCOURAGE develops the models/systems of validation and certification of waste specialist competences in the waste management sector.
The methodology focuses on the procedures for community certification (by leading industry organizations) of the competences of personnel based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17024 standard which was designed to harmonize the personnel certification process worldwide.

This result includes the development of training in the work environment, cascading, flexible learning paths, activating didactic methods, modern, innovative methods teaching taking into account the specifics of Waste Management Sector. The emphasis is put on the individualization of training, active and practical learning methods, solutions in organization and didactics.

The results of the ENCOURAGE project is the be solution that makes self-learning and improving skills easier in the workplace as well as enabling possible self-learning in convenient moment of time and supports the learners when performing vocational tasks.
Developed e-learning platform provides opportunities for using innovative learning methods, as well as possibility to have e-courses, forums and blended learning possibilities. The structure of multimedia materials developed for the profession of a specialist of Waste Management include a division into qualifications, skills, knowledge and social competence modules. E-resources are developed in accordance with IT standards and solutions.

A Waste management Knowledge Hub (public waste management platform) is developed as a complementary part of the e-learning platform.
It provides the opportunity for new learners from various municipalities in European countries, to use the resources and project results.
The WM knowledge hub contains a library of documents, promote latest research findings, guidance and self-service help in waste management, which can assist all stakeholders with resolving their waste management issue. All interested parties in this area can use the shared information on EU waste policy, WM ideas, opportunities and tools for handling different types of wastes, waste management case studies etc.